Practicing the Gift of Living
IN Divine Will
Join our Divine Will Study Group, starting September 26, 2024, and continuing every fourth Thursday throughout the year, from 9:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. at the church in classroom 1. Please join us for the study and refreshments!!
To learn more about the mystical gift of living In the Divine Will and Pilgrim Virgin Ministry, call David and Gloria Russell at 863-353-1673.
4/4/1926 – Vol. 19 Everything that Our Lord does in the soul who lives in the Divine Will surpasses all that He did in Creation. The Divine Will forms the complete resurrection of the soul in God.
Finding myself in my usual state, I felt all immersed in my lovable Jesus, and my poor mind wandered through the divine knowledges; but everything was silence, on my part and on the part of Jesus, nor am I able to say what my mind comprehended. Afterwards, however, He resumed His speaking, and said to me: “My daughter, everything I do in the soul – oh, how it surpasses all that I did in Creation! See, each knowledge of my perfections which I manifest, each truth which pertains to the Divinity, is a new heaven that I extend within the soul. And as the soul rises in the truths she has known in order to resemble her Creator, it is new suns that I come to form within the space of these heavens. Each grace I pour and each time I renew her union with Me, are seas that are laid in the soul; and her love and correspondence form the sweet murmuring of these seas, as well as mighty waves which rise up to Heaven and come to unload themselves at the foot of the divine throne. As the soul practices her virtues, since the body too contributes to the exercise of them, the body can be called the little field of the soul, over which I lay the most beautiful flowery meadows, in which I delight in creating ever new flowers, plants and fruits.
Just as I am one single act which, after it is done once, is done forever, Creation also was to be one single act; and just as in Creation my single act continues by preserving It ever new, whole and fresh, so is my creating in souls continuous – I never stop. I am always – always in the act of forming more beautiful things, surprising and new things, unless I find souls who close the doors to Me and arrest my continuous act of creation. Then I find another device: I abound, I multiply my continuous act in the souls who keep the doors open, and with them I delight and continue the office of Creator. But do you know where this continuous act of mine is never interrupted? In the soul who lives in my Will. Ah, yes, only in her can I do, freely, whatever I want, because my Will, which the soul contains, prepares her for Me to receive my Fiat that came out in Creation. So, my Will, possessed by the soul, and That which I Myself keep, extend hands to each other, kiss each other, and form the greatest portents. Therefore, be always attentive, and let your flight be always in my Will.”
After this, I was thinking about the Resurrection of Our Lord, and, coming back again, He added: “My daughter, my Resurrection completed, sealed and returned to Me all honors; It called to life all of my works, which I did in the course of my Life on earth, and formed the seed of the resurrection of the souls, and even of the bodies, on the Universal Judgment. So, without my Resurrection, my Redemption would have been incomplete, and my most beautiful works would have been buried. The same for the soul: if she does not rise again completely in my Will, all of her works remain incomplete. And if coldness for divine things creeps into her, if passions oppress her and vices tyrannize her, these will form the tomb in which to bury her, because, since the Life of my Will is missing, the one who makes the divine fire rise again will be missing; the one who, with one blow, kills all passions and makes all virtues rise again, will be missing. My Will is more than sun which eclipses everything, fecundates everything, converts everything into light, and forms the complete resurrection of the soul in God.”
4/4/1928 – Vol. 24 How, in God, the word is everything. Knowledge is the bearer of the Divine Act and of the possession of Divine goods for creatures. Cure that Jesus prescribed.
I was doing my round in the Divine Fiat, and many things about the Supreme Volition wandered through my mind; so, I thought to myself: “How can it be that if the knowledges about this Divine Will become known to creatures, Its Kingdom can come? If He did so much for the coming of the Kingdom of Redemption— the mere knowing was not enough, but He operated, suffered, died, performed miracles—will the knowledges alone be enough for the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat, which is greater than Redemption?”
But while I was thinking of this, my lovable Jesus moved in my interior and told me: “My daughter, in order to form the smallest thing, creatures need works, steps and raw materials; but God, your Jesus, does not need anything to create and form the greatest works, and the entire universe. For Us the word is everything. Was the whole universe not created with the word alone? And in order for man to enjoy all this universe, it was enough to know it. These are the ways of Our Wisdom: in order to give, We make use of the word; and in order to receive, man must make use of knowing what We have said and done with Our Word.
“In fact, if a people does not know all the varieties of plants that are spread throughout the whole earth, it does not enjoy, nor is it the possessor of the fruits of those plants, because in Our Word there is not only the creative strength, but united with it there is also the communicative strength—that is, the strength to communicate to creatures what We have said and done. But if they do not know it, nothing is given to them. What did man add in order to enjoy the light of the sun and receive its effects? Nothing; nor did he add anything to the water he drinks, to the fire that warms him and to many other things created by Me. However, he needed to know them, otherwise it would have been for man as if they did not exist.
“Knowledge is the bearer of the life of Our Act and of the possession of Our goods for creatures. So, the knowledges about My Will have the virtue of forming Its Kingdom in their midst, because such has been Our purpose in manifesting them. And if in Redemption I wanted to descend from Heaven to take on human flesh, it was because I wanted to descend into all human acts to reorder them. More so, since Adam had withdrawn from Our Divine Will to content his humanity, and with this he disordered himself completely, he lost his state of origin; and I had to follow the same path: descend into a Humanity so as to reorder him anew; and everything I did in It was to serve as remedy, medicine, example, mirror, light, to be able to put decayed humanity in order.
“Now, having done all that was necessary, and still more, so much so that I had nothing else to do—I did everything, and I did it as God, with surprising means and with invincible love in order to reorder this decayed humanity; and man cannot say: ‘Jesus has not done this to cure us, reorder us and place us in safety’—everything I did in My Humanity was nothing but the preparation and the cures I prescribed so that the human family might recover, to return once again into the order of my Divine Will.
“So, after about two thousand years of cure, it is just and decorous for Us and for man that he no longer be sick, but that he be healthy again so as to enter into the Kingdom of Our Will. And this is why the knowledges about It were needed— so that Our Creative Word, that speaks and creates, speaks and communicates, speaks and transforms, speaks and wins, might speak and make new horizons, new suns rise for as many knowledges as It manifests, in such a way as to form so many sweet enchantments that, amazed, the creature will be conquered and invested by the light of My Eternal Will. In fact, nothing else is needed for Its Kingdom to come but the two wills kissing each other, one dissolving within the other—My Will, to give, and the human will, to receive.
“Therefore, just as My Word was enough to create the universe, so will it be enough to form the Kingdom of My Fiat. But it is necessary that the words I have spoken, the knowledges I have manifested, be known, to be able to communicate the good that My Creative Word contains. This is why I insist so much that the knowledges about My Will, the purpose for which I manifested them, be known-to be able to realize the Kingdom that I so yearn to give to creatures. And I will overwhelm Heaven and earth to obtain the intent.”
3/23/1910 – Vol. 9 Living in the Divine Will is greater than Communion Itself.
As I was in my usual state, and lamenting because of His privations, He came just in passing and told me: “My daughter, I recommend that you not get out of my Will, because my Will contains such power as to be a new Baptism for the soul – and even more than Baptism itself. In fact, while in the Sacraments there is part of my Grace, in my Will there is the whole fullness of It. In the Baptism, the stain of original sin is removed, but passions and weaknesses remain. In my Will, since the soul destroys her own volition, she also destroys passions, weaknesses and all that is human; and she lives of the virtues, of the fortitude and of all the Divine qualities.”
On hearing this, I said to myself: ‘In a little while He is going to say that His Will is greater than Communion Itself.’ And He added: “Of course, of course, because the Sacramental Communion lasts a few minutes, while my Will is perennial communion; even more, eternal – entering eternity in Heaven. The Sacramental Communion is subject to some obstacles, either because of illness, or necessity, or because of those who have to administer It; while the Communion of my Will is not subject to any hindrance. If the soul only wants it, all is done. No one can prevent her from having such a great good which forms the happiness of the earth and of Heaven – neither demons, nor creatures, and not even my Omnipotence Itself. The soul is free; no one has any right over her at this point of my Will. This is why I push It, and I want so much that creatures take It: It is the most important thing for Me; the thing which I cherish the most. All other things do not interest Me as much, not even the holiest ones. And when I obtain that the soul live in my Will, I feel triumphant – because this is the greatest good which can exist in Heaven and on earth.”
6/25/1925- Vol.17 (Partial entry quote)
“My daughter, everything is in understanding the great good which comes to her by doing my Will, and by operating and living in It. It is this Will that wants the sacrifice; and since this Will does not adapt Itself to mix and to live together with a low, small and finite will, It wants to render the acts of the soul who wants to live in my Will, eternal, infinite and divine. And how can It do this, if she wants to place the breath of her human will, even in a holy thing, as you say? It is always a finite will; and then living in my Will would no longer be a reality, but a way of saying. On the other hand, the office of my Will is total dominion, and it is right that the little atom of the human will be conquered, and that it lose its field of action in my Will. What would you say if a little lamp, a match, or a spark of fire, wanted to enter into the sun to follow its way, and to form its field of light and of action in the center of the sun? If the sun had a reason, it would become indignant, and its light and heat would annihilate that little lamp, that match, that spark; and you would be the first one to mock them, condemning their boldness in wanting to form their own field of action within the light of the sun. Such is the breath of the human will within Mine – even in good. Therefore, be attentive, so that yours may have life in nothing. I covered and hid all of you within Me, so that you may have no eyes, if not to look at my Will alone, to give It free field of action in your soul.
Rather, the difficult thing will be to comprehend the living in my Will – not to sacrifice oneself. In fact, once the souls have understood the great good which comes to them by living in my Divine Will – that from poor, they will become rich; from slaves of vile passions, they will become free and ruling; from servants, masters; from unhappy, happy, even in the pain of this poor life – and will fall in love with all the goods which are in my Will, the total sacrifice of everything will be an honor for them; it will be desired, wanted, and longed for. This is why I push you so much to manifest what I say to you regarding my Will – because everything will be in understanding It, knowing It and loving It.”
- Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta
Prayer for the Glorification of Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta
“O Honorable and Holy Trinity,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We praise and thank you for the gift of holiness
of your faithful servant Luisa Piccarreta.
She lived, O Father, in your Divine Will,
becoming, under the action of the Holy Spirit,
in conformity with your Son, obedient unto death of cross,
Victim and Pleasant host to you,
thus cooperating with the work of the Redemption of mankind.
Her virtues of obedience and humility,
of great love for Christ and the Church
lead us to ask you the gift of his glorification on earth.
So that your Glory may shine before all,
and so that your Kingdom of truth, justice and love
may be spread to the ends of the earth
with the particular charisma of
the Fiat Voluntas tua sicut in Caelo et in terra (Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven).
We appeal to her merits to obtain from you, Holy Trinity,
the particular grace that we ask with the intention to fulfill Your Divine Will. Amen.”
Three “Glory be…” “Our Father”
Queen of All Saints, pray for us.
+ Giovan Battista Pichierri
Archbishop of Trani – Barletta – Bisceglie
Trani, October 29, 2005
– Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta
March 28, CLICK HERE
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March 14, CLICK HERE
February 29, CLICK HERE
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February 15, CLICK HERE
February 8, CLICK HERE
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Class of December 14 CLICK HERE
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Class of November 30, CLICK HERE
Class of November 16, CLICK HERE
Class of November 9, CLICK HERE
Class of November 2, CLICK HERE
Class of October 26, CLICK HERE
Class of October 19, CLICK HERE
Class of October 5, CLICK HERE
Class of September 28, CLICK HERE
Class of September 21, CLICK HERE
Class of August 31, CLICK HERE
Class of August 24, CLICK HERE
Class of August 15, CLICK HERE
Class of January 10, CLICK HERE
Lyrics from “Stone by Stone” by Donavan from the movie “Brother Sun, Sister Moon”
If you want your dream to be
Build it slow and surely
Small beginning greater end
Heartfelt work grows purely.
If you want to live life free
Take your time go slowly.
Do few things but do them well
Simple joys are holy.
Day by day
Stone by stone
Build your secret slowly.
Day by day
You’ll grow too
You’ll know heaven’s glory.
Oh august and Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we praise and thank You for the gift of holiness of your faithful servant Luisa Piccarreta. She lived, Oh Father, in Your Divine Will, becoming, under the action of the Holy Spirit, in conformity with Your Son, obedient even to death on the cross, victim and host pleasing to You, thus cooperating in the work of Redemption of mankind.
Her virtues of obedience, humility, supreme love for Christ and the Church, lead us to ask You for the gift of her glorification on earth, so that Your glory may shine before all, and Your kingdom of truth, justice and love,may spread all over the world in the particular charisma of the Fiat Voluntas tua sicut in Caelo et in terra. We appeal to her merits to obtain from You, Most Holy Trinity, the particular grace for which we pray to You with the intention to fulfill your Divine Will. Amen.
3 Glory be, Our Father,
Queen of All Saints, pray for us.
Giovan Battista Pichierri, Archbishop of Trani
October 29, 2005
For more information, please contact:
David Russell at 863-353-1673
or at:
Similarities of the Divine Daughters
Limited Formal Education
Personal Conversations with Jesus and Mar
Given a Specialized Knowledge
Wrote Diaries Under Obedience
Writings Banned for a time
Victim Souls
Hidden Stigmata
Mystical Marriage
Meditation of the Passion
Living Hosts
Practicing The Divine Attitude
Doing All for and In Jesus
What does the Catechism say about Private Revelation
Throughout the ages, there have been so-called “private” revelations, some of which have been recognized by the authority of the Church. They do not belong, however, to the deposit of faith. It is not their role to improve or complete Christ’s definitive Revelation, but to help live more fully by it in a certain period of history. Guided by the magisterium of the Church, the sensus fidelium (sense of the faithful) knows how to discern and welcome in these revelations whatever constitutes an authentic call of Christ or his saints to the Church. (84, 93).
Christian faith cannot accept “revelations” that claim to surpass or correct the Revelation of which Christ is the fulfillment, as is the case in certain non-Christian religions and also in certain recent sects which base themselves on such “revelations.”
Vaticana, Libreria Editrice. Catechism of the Catholic Church. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
The Writing of Luisa Piccarreta
Luisa’s life took a decisive turning point at the age of about 12, when there was a mysterious state of suffering which confined her to bed and left her in a state of loss of consciousness.
Despite medical treatment, it was clear that only the blessing of a priest enabled her to come out of her ‘usual state’. Luisa offered her suffering for the benefit o humanity accepting until her death the complete confinement to bed that lasted about 70 years.
Her particular condition convinced the Archbishop of Trani to entrust her permanently to the spiritual care of a priest. Of fundamental importance was the contribution of Fr. Gennaro De Gennaro. After having heard what happened to her during her states of loss of consciousness, he gave her the “obedience” to write the “Diary”, a task to which Luisa will remain faithful, with great reluctance, writing about 10,000 pages from February 28, 1899 to December 28, 1938. The main theme is the Divine Will and how we can live in It.
‘The Kingdom of my Divine Will in the midst of creatures. Book of Heaven. The call of the creature to the order, the place and the purpose for which he was created by God’.
The Title Jesus Gave to Luisa (8/27/1926 – V.19)
Excerpt from “Book of Heaven”
“For as long as the soul is in the Divine Will, so much of Divine Life can she say she lives on earth. The acts in the Divine Will are the simplest acts, but, because they are simple, they communicate themselves to all.” Jesus to Luisa (9/8/1916 – Vol. 11)
This morning, after Communion, I felt that my lovable Jesus absorbed me completely in His Will in a special way, and I swam inside of It. But who can say what I felt? I have no words to express myself. Then Jesus told me: “My daughter, for as long as the soul is in my Will, so much of Divine Life can she say she lives on earth. How I like it when I see that the soul enters into my Will to live Divine Life in It! I like very much to see souls who repeat in my Will what my Humanity did in It! I received Communion, I received Myself in the Will of the Father, and with this I not only repaired everything, but finding immensity and all-seeingness of everything and everyone in the Divine Will, I embraced all, I gave Communion to all; and in seeing that many would not take part in the Sacrament and that the Father was offended for they did not want to receive my Life, I gave to the Father the satisfaction and the glory as if all had received Communion, giving to the Father the satisfaction and the glory of a Divine Life for each one. You too – receive Communion in my Will, repeat what I did, and in this way you will not only repair everything, but will give Me to all as I intended to give Myself to all, and will give Me the glory as if all had received Communion. My Heart feels moved in seeing that, unable to give Me anything from her own which is worthy of Me, the creature takes my things, she makes them her own, she imitates the way I did them, and to please Me, she gives them to Me. And I, in my delight, keep repeating: “Brava, my daughter, you have done exactly what I did.”
Then He added: “The acts in my Will are the simplest acts, but, because they are simple, they communicate themselves to all. The light of the Sun, because it is simple, is light of every eye – yet the Sun is one. One act alone in my Will, like most simple light, diffuses itself in every heart, in every work, in everyone – yet the act is one. My very Being, because It is most simple, is one single act, but an act which contains everything; it has no feet but is the step of all; no eyes, but is the eye and the light of all; it gives life to everything, but with no effort, with no toil, yet it gives the act of operating to all. So, the soul in my Will becomes simple, and together with Me she multiplies in all, and does good to all. Oh, if all comprehended the immense value of the acts, even the littlest, done in my Will – they would let not one act escape them!”
Statement about participation: The meetings last one hour and are held monthly, each first Saturday, in the church following the 8:00 am Mass and Rosary. It is important to know that lessons do naturally build upon each other, but if you are unable to attend one of the monthly meetings you will not be “left behind” as each topic is independent. Meetings are scheduled to last one hour.
The content is simple because Jesus doesn’t make things complicated.
Just as Jesus gave St. Faustina the prayer of Divine Mercy and the Divine Mercy Chaplet, He gave servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta, he Prevenient Act and Actual Act on May 27, 1922.
Prevenient Prayer
I am nothing, God is all. Father, I love you.
Come Divine Will to think in my mind, to circulate in my blood, to look with my eyes, to listen in my ears, to speak in my voice, to breath in my breathing, to beat in my heart, to move in my motion.
Come Divine Will to suffer in my suffering and may my soul, consumed and fused with Your Will, be a living crucifix immolated for the Glory of the Father.
Come Divine Will to pray in me and offer this prayer to yourself as mine to satisfy for the prayers of all and give to the Father the Glory that all creatures should give Him.
Come Divine Will to infuse in me the Faith of Mary Most Holy in order to possess You as she possesses You.
Come Divine Will to infuse in me the Hope of Mary Most Come Divine Will to infuse in me the Hope of Mary Most Holy in order to love You as she loves You.
Come Divine Will to adore in me and since Your Will multiplies acts to the infinite thus I intend to give you the satisfaction as if all had assisted at Holy Mass and give all to the Fruit of Sacrifice and impetrate Salvation for all.
O Supreme Will come to reign upon the earth. Invest all generations. Win and conquer all and do not delay any longer. Amen. – Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta
The Prevenient Act and Actual Act
I was thinking to myself: “If one act done in His Will is so great, how many of them, alas, do I let escape!’ And my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, there is the prevenient act and the actual act. The prevenient act is when the soul, at the first rising of the day, fixes her will in Mine, and decides and confirms that she wants to live and operate only in my Volition. She anticipates all of her acts and makes them all flow in my Will. With the prevenient will, my Sun rises, my Life remains duplicated in all of her acts, as though in one single act; and this makes up for the actual act. However, the prevenient act can be shaded – obscured by the human ways, by one’s own will, by self-esteem, by negligence and other things, which are like clouds before the Sun, that render its light less vivid on the face of the earth.
On the other hand, the actual act is not subject to clouds; on the contrary, it has the virtue of dispelling the clouds, if there are any, and it makes many more suns rise, in which my Life, is duplicated, with such vividness of light and heat as to form as many new suns, one more beautiful than the other. However, both of them are necessary: prevenient act gives the hand, disposes and forms the plane for the actual act; the actual act preserves and expands the plane prevenient.” – “Book of Heaven” by Servant of God, Luisa Piccarrenta (5/27/1922 V.14)
Click here: To learn more about Servant of God, Luisa Piccarretta.
To listen to his Podcast, please go to: .
This is not a competing spirituality. We promote many Catholic Organizations and Devotions. YFA brings a new effectiveness to all ministries and devotions! For example:
+ Eucharistic Adoration
+ Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary
+ Consecration to Jesus through Mary
+ Legion of Mary
+ First Friday Sacred Heart of Jesus Devotion
+ First Saturday Devotion
+ Divine Mercy Chaplet
+ Knights of Columbus
+ St. Vincent de Paul
and many, many, more!
We have discovered the great gift of living IN the Divine Will through the spiritual writings of Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta. This little known spiritual gift has many profound effects on us, including:
+ Increased devotion, reverence and love for the Eucharist.
+ A great desire for holiness.
+ Love for the Blessed Mother and the Saints.
+ The realization of God’s immense love for man.
+ A better understanding of why God created man and His plan for all humanity.
Our Catholic Faith prepares us to receive the Gift of Living In the Divine Will and Living In the Divine Will helps us live our Faith in a manner most pleasing to God the Father.
Sample Topics May Include:
+ Being Faithful and Attentive
+ The Divine Attitude
+ Being Clothed In the Divine Will
+ Living a Supernatural Life
+ Sacrament of the Present Moment
+ Remaining Faithful in Time of Church Crisis
*If your goal is to be in heaven and see Jesus face to face, you too want to be a Saint. Perhaps not a saint declared by the Catholic Church but a saint none the less.
“It was beautiful! I loved it!” “David is called by Jesus to promote the Divine Mercy and Divine Will message. He speaks with such truth and love!”
To learn more or participate, use the form below.
Practicing the Gift of Living
IN Divine Will
STUDY GROUP EVERY THURSDAY from 9:00 am until 10:15 at the church
in classroom 1. Please join us for the study and refreshments!!
10th Round in the Divine Will
Jesus’ Circumcision
My tender child Jesus, my “I love You, I bless You and I thank You” follow You everywhere to implore [the reign of] your [Divine] Fiat. In your every heartbeat and breath; in your tongue, in the pupil of your eyes and in each drop of the Blood from your little humanity [caused by your circumcision], I impress my “I love You”. I impress my kiss upon each one of your thoughts and upon the hands and arms of our heavenly mother and of Saint Joseph, so that You may feel my “I love You” when they hug You.
I impress my “I love You” even upon the breath of the animals at your feet that keep You warm in silent adoration, so that You may feel my love in their breath that implores [the reign of] your Divine Fiat.
My delightful infant Jesus, I impress my “I love You” upon the [pain You suffered with the] cruel cut of your circumcision, and in the first drops of the Blood You shed to assuage your pain. I seal my “I love You” within each drop of Blood You shed and within the tears that the sharp pain You experienced caused You, as well as within the tears shed by the sovereign Queen and Saint Joseph as they saw You endure such pain. Your Blood, your pain and your tears cry out for the triumph of your Kingdom!
My dear little Jesus, I press You to my heart to assuage the pains of your wound, and I beseech You to enclose in your wound all human wills, so that they may cause You no more sorrow; from your wound may your Divine Will emerge and establish its reign among us.
2/8/1902 – Vol. 4 Meanings of the Passion of Jesus.
This morning, on coming, my adorable Jesus shared with me part of His Passion. Now, while I was in suffering, in order to cheer me the Lord told me: “My daughter, the first meaning of the Passion contains glory, praise, honor, thanksgiving, reparation for the Divinity. The second is the salvation of souls and all the graces which are needed to obtain this purpose. So, if one participates in the pains of my Passion, her life contains these very meanings within itself. Not only this, but she takes the same form as my Humanity; and since my Humanity is united with the Divinity, the soul who participates in my pains is also in contact with the Divinity and can obtain whatever she wants. Even more, her pains are like keys to open the divine treasures. This, for as long as she lives down here; and then a distinct glory is also reserved for her above the Heavens, which is given to her by my Humanity and Divinity, in such a way as to resemble my very light and glory; as well as a more special glory for the whole celestial Court, which will be given to It through this soul by means of that which I have communicated to her. In fact, the more the souls have become like Me in the pains, the more light and glory will come out from within the Divinity; and here is how the whole Celestial Court participates in this glory.” May the Lord be always blessed and may everything be for His glory and honor.
2/8/1904 – Vol. 6 One of the qualities of Jesus is Pain. For one who lives of His Most Holy Will Purgatory does not exist.
I remember that another day, as I continued to feel in suffering, I saw the confessor praying Our Lord to touch the part where I was suffering so as to have the sufferings mitigate. And blessed Jesus told me: “My daughter, your confessor wants me to touch you to alleviate your pains, but among my many qualities I am also Pain, and if I touch you, instead of decreasing, your pain could increase. In fact, the thing in which my Humanity delighted the most was suffering, and It still delights in communicating it to those whom It loves.”
And it seemed that, in reality, He would touch me and make me feel more pain. So I added: ‘My sweet Good, as for myself, I want nothing but your Most Holy Will. I do not look at whether I suffer or I enjoy – your Will is everything for me.’ And He added: “And this is what I want, this is my design upon you, and this is enough for Me and contents Me. This is the greatest and most honorable worship that the creature can render Me, and that she owes Me as her Creator; and as the soul does so, it can be said that her mind lives and thinks in my mind; her eyes, being in mine, look through my eyes; her mouth speaks through my mouth, her heart loves through Mine, her hands operate within my own hands, her feet walk within my feet. And I can say: “You are my eye, my mouth, my Heart, my hands and my feet.” And, likewise, the soul can say: “Jesus Christ is my eye, my mouth, my heart, my hands and my feet.” Being in this union, not only of wills, but personal, when the soul dies there is nothing left of her to be purged, and therefore Purgatory cannot touch her, because Purgatory touches those who live outside of Me, whether completely or in part.”
2/8/1905 – Vol. 6 The characteristics of the children of God: love for the cross, love for the glory of God, and love for the glory of the Church.
Continuing in my poor state of privation and of unspeakable bitterness – at the most, He makes Himself seen in silence – this morning He told me: “My daughter, the characteristics of my children are: love for the cross, love for the glory of God, and love for the glory of the Church – to the point of laying down their lives. One who does not have these characteristics, in vain calls himself my son; one who dares to say it, is a liar and a traitor who betrays God and himself. Take a look into yourself, to see whether you have them.” And He disappeared.
Prayer for the Glorification of Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta
“O Honorable and Holy Trinity,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We praise and thank you for the gift of holiness
of your faithful servant Luisa Piccarreta.
She lived, O Father, in your Divine Will,
becoming, under the action of the Holy Spirit,
in conformity with your Son, obedient unto death of cross,
Victim and Pleasant host to you,
thus cooperating with the work of the Redemption of mankind.
Her virtues of obedience and humility,
of great love for Christ and the Church
lead us to ask you the gift of his glorification on earth.
So that your Glory may shine before all,
and so that your Kingdom of truth, justice and love
may be spread to the ends of the earth
with the particular charisma of
the Fiat Voluntas tua sicut in Caelo et in terra (Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven).
We appeal to her merits to obtain from you, Holy Trinity,
the particular grace that we ask with the intention to fulfill Your Divine Will. Amen.”
Three “Glory be…” “Our Father”
Queen of All Saints, pray for us.
+ Giovan Battista Pichierri
Archbishop of Trani – Barletta – Bisceglie
Trani, October 29, 2005
– Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta
February 8, CLICK HERE
February 1, CLICK HERE
January 25, CLICK HERE
January 18, CLICK HERE
January 11, CLICK HERE
January 4, 2024 CLICK HERE
Class of December 21 CLICK HERE
Class of December 14 CLICK HERE
Class of December 7, CLICK HERE
Class of November 30, CLICK HERE
Class of November 16, CLICK HERE
Class of November 9, CLICK HERE
Class of November 2, CLICK HERE
Class of October 26, CLICK HERE
Class of October 19, CLICK HERE
Class of October 5, CLICK HERE
Class of September 28, CLICK HERE
Class of September 21, CLICK HERE
Class of August 31, CLICK HERE
Class of August 24, CLICK HERE
Class of August 15, CLICK HERE
Class of January 10, CLICK HERE
Lyrics from “Stone by Stone” by Donavan from the movie “Brother Sun, Sister Moon”
If you want your dream to be
Build it slow and surely
Small beginning greater end
Heartfelt work grows purely.
If you want to live life free
Take your time go slowly.
Do few things but do them well
Simple joys are holy.
Day by day
Stone by stone
Build your secret slowly.
Day by day
You’ll grow too
You’ll know heaven’s glory.
Oh august and Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we praise and thank You for the gift of holiness of your faithful servant Luisa Piccarreta. She lived, Oh Father, in Your Divine Will, becoming, under the action of the Holy Spirit, in conformity with Your Son, obedient even to death on the cross, victim and host pleasing to You, thus cooperating in the work of Redemption of mankind.
Her virtues of obedience, humility, supreme love for Christ and the Church, lead us to ask You for the gift of her glorification on earth, so that Your glory may shine before all, and Your kingdom of truth, justice and love,may spread all over the world in the particular charisma of the Fiat Voluntas tua sicut in Caelo et in terra. We appeal to her merits to obtain from You, Most Holy Trinity, the particular grace for which we pray to You with the intention to fulfill your Divine Will. Amen.
3 Glory be, Our Father,
Queen of All Saints, pray for us.
Giovan Battista Pichierri, Archbishop of Trani
October 29, 2005
For more information, please contact:
David Russell at 863-353-1673
or at:
Similarities of the Divine Daughters
Limited Formal Education
Personal Conversations with Jesus and Mar
Given a Specialized Knowledge
Wrote Diaries Under Obedience
Writings Banned for a time
Victim Souls
Hidden Stigmata
Mystical Marriage
Meditation of the Passion
Living Hosts
Practicing The Divine Attitude
Doing All for and In Jesus
What does the Catechism say about Private Revelation
Throughout the ages, there have been so-called “private” revelations, some of which have been recognized by the authority of the Church. They do not belong, however, to the deposit of faith. It is not their role to improve or complete Christ’s definitive Revelation, but to help live more fully by it in a certain period of history. Guided by the magisterium of the Church, the sensus fidelium (sense of the faithful) knows how to discern and welcome in these revelations whatever constitutes an authentic call of Christ or his saints to the Church. (84, 93).
Christian faith cannot accept “revelations” that claim to surpass or correct the Revelation of which Christ is the fulfillment, as is the case in certain non-Christian religions and also in certain recent sects which base themselves on such “revelations.”
Vaticana, Libreria Editrice. Catechism of the Catholic Church. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
The Writing of Luisa Piccarreta
Luisa’s life took a decisive turning point at the age of about 12, when there was a mysterious state of suffering which confined her to bed and left her in a state of loss of consciousness.
Despite medical treatment, it was clear that only the blessing of a priest enabled her to come out of her ‘usual state’. Luisa offered her suffering for the benefit o humanity accepting until her death the complete confinement to bed that lasted about 70 years.
Her particular condition convinced the Archbishop of Trani to entrust her permanently to the spiritual care of a priest. Of fundamental importance was the contribution of Fr. Gennaro De Gennaro. After having heard what happened to her during her states of loss of consciousness, he gave her the “obedience” to write the “Diary”, a task to which Luisa will remain faithful, with great reluctance, writing about 10,000 pages from February 28, 1899 to December 28, 1938. The main theme is the Divine Will and how we can live in It.
‘The Kingdom of my Divine Will in the midst of creatures. Book of Heaven. The call of the creature to the order, the place and the purpose for which he was created by God’.
The Title Jesus Gave to Luisa (8/27/1926 – V.19)
Excerpt from “Book of Heaven”
“For as long as the soul is in the Divine Will, so much of Divine Life can she say she lives on earth. The acts in the Divine Will are the simplest acts, but, because they are simple, they communicate themselves to all.” Jesus to Luisa (9/8/1916 – Vol. 11)
This morning, after Communion, I felt that my lovable Jesus absorbed me completely in His Will in a special way, and I swam inside of It. But who can say what I felt? I have no words to express myself. Then Jesus told me: “My daughter, for as long as the soul is in my Will, so much of Divine Life can she say she lives on earth. How I like it when I see that the soul enters into my Will to live Divine Life in It! I like very much to see souls who repeat in my Will what my Humanity did in It! I received Communion, I received Myself in the Will of the Father, and with this I not only repaired everything, but finding immensity and all-seeingness of everything and everyone in the Divine Will, I embraced all, I gave Communion to all; and in seeing that many would not take part in the Sacrament and that the Father was offended for they did not want to receive my Life, I gave to the Father the satisfaction and the glory as if all had received Communion, giving to the Father the satisfaction and the glory of a Divine Life for each one. You too – receive Communion in my Will, repeat what I did, and in this way you will not only repair everything, but will give Me to all as I intended to give Myself to all, and will give Me the glory as if all had received Communion. My Heart feels moved in seeing that, unable to give Me anything from her own which is worthy of Me, the creature takes my things, she makes them her own, she imitates the way I did them, and to please Me, she gives them to Me. And I, in my delight, keep repeating: “Brava, my daughter, you have done exactly what I did.”
Then He added: “The acts in my Will are the simplest acts, but, because they are simple, they communicate themselves to all. The light of the Sun, because it is simple, is light of every eye – yet the Sun is one. One act alone in my Will, like most simple light, diffuses itself in every heart, in every work, in everyone – yet the act is one. My very Being, because It is most simple, is one single act, but an act which contains everything; it has no feet but is the step of all; no eyes, but is the eye and the light of all; it gives life to everything, but with no effort, with no toil, yet it gives the act of operating to all. So, the soul in my Will becomes simple, and together with Me she multiplies in all, and does good to all. Oh, if all comprehended the immense value of the acts, even the littlest, done in my Will – they would let not one act escape them!”
Statement about participation: The meetings last one hour and are held monthly, each first Saturday, in the church following the 8:00 am Mass and Rosary. It is important to know that lessons do naturally build upon each other, but if you are unable to attend one of the monthly meetings you will not be “left behind” as each topic is independent. Meetings are scheduled to last one hour.
The content is simple because Jesus doesn’t make things complicated.
Just as Jesus gave St. Faustina the prayer of Divine Mercy and the Divine Mercy Chaplet, He gave servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta, he Prevenient Act and Actual Act on May 27, 1922.
Prevenient Prayer
I am nothing, God is all. Father, I love you.
Come Divine Will to think in my mind, to circulate in my blood, to look with my eyes, to listen in my ears, to speak in my voice, to breath in my breathing, to beat in my heart, to move in my motion.
Come Divine Will to suffer in my suffering and may my soul, consumed and fused with Your Will, be a living crucifix immolated for the Glory of the Father.
Come Divine Will to pray in me and offer this prayer to yourself as mine to satisfy for the prayers of all and give to the Father the Glory that all creatures should give Him.
Come Divine Will to infuse in me the Faith of Mary Most Holy in order to possess You as she possesses You.
Come Divine Will to infuse in me the Hope of Mary Most Come Divine Will to infuse in me the Hope of Mary Most Holy in order to love You as she loves You.
Come Divine Will to adore in me and since Your Will multiplies acts to the infinite thus I intend to give you the satisfaction as if all had assisted at Holy Mass and give all to the Fruit of Sacrifice and impetrate Salvation for all.
O Supreme Will come to reign upon the earth. Invest all generations. Win and conquer all and do not delay any longer. Amen. – Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta
The Prevenient Act and Actual Act
I was thinking to myself: “If one act done in His Will is so great, how many of them, alas, do I let escape!’ And my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, there is the prevenient act and the actual act. The prevenient act is when the soul, at the first rising of the day, fixes her will in Mine, and decides and confirms that she wants to live and operate only in my Volition. She anticipates all of her acts and makes them all flow in my Will. With the prevenient will, my Sun rises, my Life remains duplicated in all of her acts, as though in one single act; and this makes up for the actual act. However, the prevenient act can be shaded – obscured by the human ways, by one’s own will, by self-esteem, by negligence and other things, which are like clouds before the Sun, that render its light less vivid on the face of the earth.
On the other hand, the actual act is not subject to clouds; on the contrary, it has the virtue of dispelling the clouds, if there are any, and it makes many more suns rise, in which my Life, is duplicated, with such vividness of light and heat as to form as many new suns, one more beautiful than the other. However, both of them are necessary: prevenient act gives the hand, disposes and forms the plane for the actual act; the actual act preserves and expands the plane prevenient.” – “Book of Heaven” by Servant of God, Luisa Piccarrenta (5/27/1922 V.14)
Click here: To learn more about Servant of God, Luisa Piccarretta.
To listen to his Podcast, please go to: .
This is not a competing spirituality. We promote many Catholic Organizations and Devotions. YFA brings a new effectiveness to all ministries and devotions! For example:
+ Eucharistic Adoration
+ Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary
+ Consecration to Jesus through Mary
+ Legion of Mary
+ First Friday Sacred Heart of Jesus Devotion
+ First Saturday Devotion
+ Divine Mercy Chaplet
+ Knights of Columbus
+ St. Vincent de Paul
and many, many, more!
We have discovered the great gift of living IN the Divine Will through the spiritual writings of Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta. This little known spiritual gift has many profound effects on us, including:
+ Increased devotion, reverence and love for the Eucharist.
+ A great desire for holiness.
+ Love for the Blessed Mother and the Saints.
+ The realization of God’s immense love for man.
+ A better understanding of why God created man and His plan for all humanity.
Our Catholic Faith prepares us to receive the Gift of Living In the Divine Will and Living In the Divine Will helps us live our Faith in a manner most pleasing to God the Father.
Sample Topics May Include:
+ Being Faithful and Attentive
+ The Divine Attitude
+ Being Clothed In the Divine Will
+ Living a Supernatural Life
+ Sacrament of the Present Moment
+ Remaining Faithful in Time of Church Crisis
*If your goal is to be in heaven and see Jesus face to face, you too want to be a Saint. Perhaps not a saint declared by the Catholic Church but a saint none the less.
“It was beautiful! I loved it!” “David is called by Jesus to promote the Divine Mercy and Divine Will message. He speaks with such truth and love!”
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