The finance committee assesses the business needs of our parish and develops viable financial directives that effectively and responsibly utilize the treasures God has bestowed on our parish.
St. Faustina Finance Council
St. Faustina’s Finance Council is an important and necessary support mechanism to the Parish Pastor and assists him in fulfilling his duty of being a good steward of Parish resources. The Finance Council is a mandated body having an advisory and consultative role with the Pastor (Canon 537).
The Parish Finance Council does not have decision-making authority but serves as consultants to the Pastor at the heart of the decision-making process. As valued advisers, the committee listens, shares information, contributes to the discussion, collaborates, and promotes consensus.
Required by the Diocese to meet no less than four times during each fiscal year, the St. Faustina Finance Council strives to meet monthly or “as needed”. Monthly budgets and quarterly financials are discussed, and necessary documentation is reviewed and approved and submitted to the Comptroller of the Diocese at the Chancery Office. Parish fund raising, temporal affairs, and policies are among the topics regularly discussed.
Presently the members of the St. Faustina Parish Finance Council are:
- Father Carlos Caban – Pastor
- Joe Seddio – Operations Manager
- Chris Devanney – Chairperson
- Julius Aita
- Bill Mattingly
- Diane Maglione
Tom Madden
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