What is Holy Communion?
Of all seven sacraments, the Holy Eucharist, or Holy Communion, is the most central and essential to Catholicism. Holy Communion is the center of every Mass, with the ritual primarily taken up with preparing the hosts (wafers made of wheat and water, or gluten-free) and wine to become the body and blood of Christ, and the congregation receiving the body of Christ. Transubstantiation is changing the substances of bread and wine into the substances of the Body and Blood of Christ. In other words, the bread and wine become the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus Christ, and he is physically present to us in the Eucharist. When you receive Holy Communion, you’re intimately united with Jesus Christ – he becomes part of you.
First Holy Communion
To schedule your child to make their First Holy Communion, they will need to attend two years of faith formation classes and a few sacramental prep classes.
First Communion Criteria
For Children, Sacramental preparation can be done in two ways:
- Starting with grade one and then moving to grade two, children will make their First Confession and First Communion in grade two.
- Older children will be placed in their current school grade and then go to the next class level the next year. In that second year, they will also attend a monthly prep class in or to make their First Confession and First Communion in grade two.
For Adults yearly RCIA program can be done, and they can make their Sacraments at the Easter Vigil.