Each year parishes of the Diocese of Orlando are assessed with a contribution commitment toward the Diocese’s   Our Catholic Appeal (OCA).  Among many things, the Diocese OCA supports:

Diocesan ministries and families in the Mission of San Juan de la Maguana
Adults with disabilities at Bishop Grady Villas
Veterans and homeless at Pathways to Care
Every ministry and school in the Diocese of Orlando
People and families locally and globally in need of food, shelter, and education
State and National outreaches
Missions work locally and around the world

In February we announced that St. Faustina’s OCA assessment for 2023 is $87,990.92 which must be met before November.  A very obtainable goal for our parish!  If the goal is not met, the parish bank account is required to fund the remaining portion.  But if the goal is exceeded, most of the excess is returned to the parish.  A very reasonable outcome!

Each week Father Ramon and I (Joe) receive an OCA statement from our Diocese listing St. Faustina contributors and their contribution amounts.  It is so humbling to see the generous donations from our parish to our offertory, our Mortgage Reduction Fund and Capital Campaign, and of course the OCA!

Our latest St. Faustina statement reports that $57,927.60 has been pledged to the OCA!  Again and again, can we repeat our thankfulness to you?!  We are now at 66% of reaching St. Faustina’s OCA goal!  Once all commitments have been received, our goal is realized!

St. Faustina’s report from our Diocese shows 151 families having given to our OCA commitment in 2023.  If you have not yet contributed to the Diocese of Orlando’s OCA on behalf of St. Faustina, would you prayerfully consider doing so?  Envelopes (returned directly to the Diocese) were mailed to parishioners’ homes in February, but the address and more envelopes are available if needed.  With every OCA contribution, please be sure to use an OCA envelope/tag showing St. Faustina’s name so that proper parish credit is given…

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact our office at Office@StFaustina.org or (352) 515-9297.

-Father Ramon and Joe