Altar Servers

Please use the links in the menu to explore the various worship and liturgy areas, and prayerfully consider donating your time and talent to serve our…
Chris Saraney
Karan La Briola
Mayra Romo (Español)

Altar Society: Linens/Laundry

Join us as we care for the Altar at St. Faustina Catholic Church. Join us and help care for the various linens used in the…

Arts & Environment

This ministry honors our sacred space and enhances our liturgical experiences through seasonal planning and decorating the church, creating visual effects, and maintaining the physical…


Adding Sights and Sounds to our Service Here at St. Faustina, we’re blessed to convey the word of God in word and song using 21st-century…

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

A Very Special Role, an Example for Us All The administration of Holy Communion at Mass is an essential liturgical ministry in the parish. In…
Father Carlos J. Cabán Vázquez 

Hand Held Bell Ringers

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! We are looking for handbell ringers to participate in this unique music ministry. You do not need the ability to read…

Mass Captains

Mass Captains serve the Parish community by coordinating the liturgical ministries participating in the weekend liturgy. This experienced and knowledgeable Captain greets each Liturgical Minister…

Memorial Mass Association Members

The St. Faustina Memorial Mass Association is an opportunity to honor loved ones. Every Saturday morning at the 8:00 a.m. Mass, intentions will be for…

Ministry to the Sick

Ministry to the Sick is a pastoral ministry of caring for those people hospitalized, in nursing homes, or confined to private homes. Trained and certified…
Father Carlos J. Cabán Vázquez 

Music Ministry

Sing a New Song Unto the Lord St. Faustina’s Adult Choir leads our congregation in song every Sunday during our 9:30 a.m. liturgy. Practice is…


Proclamation of the Word When we read the Sacred Scriptures in the Church, God speaks to His people, and Christ, present in His Word, proclaims…
Dolly Matthews (English)
Mercedes Molestina (Spanish)


Care and Order of Our Liturgical Items The General Instruction of the Roman Missal explains, “The following also exercise(s) a liturgical function: The sacristan, who…
Brian Kelly (English)
Jose Rodriguez (English)

St. Faustina Parish Prayer List

Please keep these parishioners in your prayers in the days, weeks, and months ahead: Tina AudinoDavid BacheDavid BartkusDelores BeltraniZachary BirkholzMichael Daniel BoglinoAngela & Exevior BojdaAnita…


Ushers and Greeters welcome people within the Church, assist in seating parishioners, take and secure the offertory at each Mass, and assist parishioners in lining…
Jose Velazquez (Spanish)

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