The St. Faustina Knights of Columbus, Council 14217, along with Assembly 3202 from Corpus Christi, in Celebration, dedicated the parish’s Memorial Monument commemorating the Unborn, on Sunday, July 23, following the 11:30 am Mass.

The ceremony, which was supposed to take place fully in front the monument, turned out to be a successful two-stage event due to heavy winds and a torrential downpour. St. Faustina pastor, Father Ramon Bolatete, as well as actively retired priest, Father John McNalis, recited prayers before parishioners and the Knights in the church.
Shortly after the ceremony, the skies cleared and Fathers Ramon and McNalis were able to formally bless the monument and the 282 memorial bricks that have already been laid. The Knights then hosted a fellowship luncheon for those who attended the ceremony.

St. Faustina Catholic Church, which was established on September 30, 2006, had been in three-strip malls and one renovated barbeque restaurant before breaking ground on a permanent home on January 9, 2022. A year later, on February 4, Diocese of Orlando Bishop, John Noonan, celebrated a Blessing Mass, the parish’s first Mass at its location at 15551 N. Boggy Creek Road, in Clermont, Florida, on February 4, 2023.

It took the St. Faustina Knights of Columbus just 11 days to have the monument installed, on February 15. Later that month, Council 14217 presented Father Ramon with a $4,000 check from the funds that had been raised through the sale of the first set of installed bricks. The fund-raiser is ongoing, and the Council will be presenting Father Ramon with another $4,000 check to be used towards St. Faustina Parish needs.
Saint Faustina Knights of Columbus
and the St. Faustina Parish pay tribute
to the Unborn

The Knights of Columbus Memorial Monument commemorating the Unborn was installed on Wednesday, February 15, on the south side (parking lot side) of our new church building. The first set of bricks were installed the following day.
To date there have been orders for 282 bricks and 30 replicas. If you do not see your brick don’t worry as once an order is placed, it takes 5 to 7 weeks for production. If you ordered a replica brick, please contact Bill Mattingly to receive it. If you have not yet ordered your brick and would like to be part of this historic event, don’t worry, there is still plenty of room for you to remember a loved one with your participation. Order forms are by the gift shop.

The highlight of the Knights’ February meeting was when Father Ramon received a $4,000 check from Grand Knight, Ed Rabelas, for the Joint Engraved Brick Fundraising program by the Parish and Knights of Columbus Council 14217. The funds were raised from the brick sales that will be placed along the walkway to the memorial monument. The donation will be used for Liturgical needs such as Altar and Sanctuary dressings and requirements, and building needs around the church.
“The Engraved Brick Fundraiser is a huge factor that contributed to the financial success that is helping our council and our parish,” said Rabelas. “We never can thank everyone who has supported this program enough. We also would like to thank our (two-time) Past Grand Knight, Bill Mattingly, who has spearheaded this project and unselfishly offered his time, efforts, and resources.”

You can participate in this fundraiser by purchasing a brick commemorating your loved ones and or yourself. The cost of each of the 4×8 bricks is $100.00 and the cost of each of the 4×4 tiles is $25.00. Your tile would have the same lettering as your brick.
Your brick will add to the landscaping of the walkway at the new church. As mentioned above, the proceeds will be shared by the Council and Parish. For additional information please fill out the form below.
A total of 229 bricks have already been reserved, but there is room for plenty more. Don’t miss out on this rare and historic opportunity.

To order your brick(s), pick up a pamphlet/order form at the gift shop and drop them in the collection basket with your check made payable to:
Knights of Columbus 14217 or click on the following link:
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