We want to honor our St. Faustina Heroes, those individuals who serve or have served in the military and/or those who are or were First Responders. If you or a family member would like to be recognized in our bulletin and on our parish website, please email names to office@stfaustina.org in the following format:

Name, rank, branch of service

If the individual was killed in action or due to an injury suffered in combat, please indicate this with a *.
If the individual is deceased, please indicate with a +.
Unfortunately, to ensure that the information is 100% correct, we do not accept any information via the phone.
We will take the information in your email and post it in the bulletin and the website.

Thank you, in advance, for your understanding and cooperation.

St. Faustina Catholic Parish would like to recognize and “thank” the men and women for their service:

Updated March 10, 2024

Kevin Adams, Firefighter New York and National Guardsmen,
Rebecca Adams, Paramedic, NY,
Brandon Allen, Lt. 
Firefighter, Jordan Allen, Firefighter/Paramedic,
Ryan Allen, Firefighter,
Angela M. Cadwell, Major General, US Air Force,
Bonnie Sue Chapman, Second Class Storekeeper, Navy
James (Jim) Chapman, Command Senior Chief, Navy
Dr. Edmund G. Clayton, Lt. Col., Marines,
Frederick E. Clayton +, PFC Army,
Dr. George A. Cuttita, Jr.+, 1st Lt., Marines,
Donald Doncaster, Cpl, US Army,
Hilary Doncaster, Captain, US Air Force Nurse Corp,
John Friedrich+, Machinist Mate MMFN, Navy,
Melvin G. Gomez, Master Sergeant, Air Force,
Samuel H. Jones Jr.+, Col., USAF,
Samuel H. Jones, III, Col., US Army,
Dougal L. Kear, Sr.+, E-3 Seaman (US Navy) & NYS Trooper,
John R. Lord, Capt., Army Air Corps,
Albert Francis Lupoli*, Sergeant US Army
Frank Maglione, Capt., Bloomfield, NJ, Fire Dept.,
Douglas J. Mato, Staff Sergent, USAF,
Douglas Jame McNeish+, Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corp, 1st Division, Korea, 1953-1956
Frank Montagnino, Spec 4, Army, Vietnam 1969, Combat
Patrick Moran, Firefighter/Paramedic,
Gerard Murphy, Chief, South River, N.J. Fire Department, 2021,
John W. Murphy+ QM2 USN, 1952-19565, Sgt. NYCPD, 1959-1978
Kevin P. Murphy+ BM3 USN, 1976-1979
Michael J. Murphy, Petty Officer 2nd Class, Navy, 2 Tours Persian Gulf War, ’86-87,
Tyler Murphy, Firefighter, Independent Fire Company, East Brunswick, N.J.,
Kristey Nelson, SP4, Women’s Army Corps,
John Ryan+, Police Officer, Mass.,
Matthew J. Serignese, Petty Officer 2nd Class, Navy,
Daniel Tomberg, 1st Lieutenant, US Army,
Matthew Tomberg +, Seaman, US Coast Guard
John H Tyree, Jr.+, PFC Marine Corp, Vietnam, 61-66,
Michael A. Venditti + EM2 US Navy, Korean War, 1948-1952,
Donald Villeneuve, Spec 5, Army Corp of Engineers